About Native Gospel Ministries of Canada

The Waskaganish canoe brigade gives tribute to Luke Diamond.

Our ministry was founded in 1994 as a ministry to reach, encourage and equip Native peoples in Canada with the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a four-fold purpose:

1. Evangelism - To preach and share the Gospel at every opportunity, within Native reserves and communities across Canada, through organizing special meetings, personal ministry, radio, and literature publication;

2. Encouragement - To build up and give spiritual encouragement to Native Christians in their witness against the powers of the evil one, through organizing retreats, conferences, Bible Studies, a music ministry and personal counselling;

3. Teaching - To equip Native believers with the Word of God, that they might grow in grace, truth and love, through preaching and teaching, organizing Bible Studies, seminars and workshops, tapes and literature, and radio ministries;

4. Native Missions - To promote missions and equip Native Christians to reach out within their communities and beyond with the Gospel, that they may establish Native churches and ministries in all areas of Canada to the glory of God.

Our Headquarters is based in Ottawa. Please contact us at any time by phone, in writing, or e-mail at drjjolly@sympatico.ca

. I would love to hear from you.

- Dr. Joe Jolly

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He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.